Sunday, August 22, 2010

Anal Itch or an Internet Twitch?

Folks, I present the following email exactly as I received it a few short weeks ago:

Dear Dr. Bill

Since your blog is one of the most prominent gay health blogs on the Internet we were wondering if you would be interested to “BE THE FIRST” to write an article about “the world’s most expensive remedy.” It is called AnaNOitch . It is a 100% natural remedy to “STOP” anal itching. Prices are around $3,000 but we offer discounts for average income individuals and FREE bottles to low income individuals. With high income customers paying a high price, we are able to help out those who need it.

There are no other products like AnaNOitch on the market. It is sure to create a TON OF BUZZ and draw lots of attention to your blog. Our customers have sent in dozens of handwritten and signed testimonials that you can see on our website, which prove that AnaNOitch is the only remedy in the whole world that will STOP anal itching. Because of that, our competitors have posted negative reviews about AnaNOitch on the Internet, but we leave it up to your intelligence to compare our testimonials with theirs; this is how confident we are about our miraculous (according to our customers) remedy. Let us know if you would like to receive a free bottle. Please check out the website, Facebook, and Twitter pages if this sounds like something you would be interested in:

Thanks, but I think I'll pass on the free bottle. [Though at $3000.00 a shot maybe I should take one just in case ....

P.S. Yes, they do have a web site with testimonials, but I'm still not sure if this is for real or not [although no doubt some people do experience anal itching, I guess.]

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